Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Happy Holidays Ladies may you have a warm healthy holiday Season whether it be Christmas, Hanukah, Three Kings or Kwanzaa.

With the New Year approaching I’ve thought of yet another activity for all of you to participate in. It’s the “Read a Book Pledge” Here’s how it will work.
Think about how many books you think you read this year and set a goal of a few more books for next year. Let me know if you would like to participate and how many books you pledge to read in 2012.
I will then create a blog post labeled “Book Pledge” every time you read a book you will comment on the post telling us the name of the book and share any thoughts (feel free to e-mail me directly and I will post for you). At the end of the year we will see who met their reading goals and who didn’t.
Are you up for the challenge?   Can you feel your competitive blood heating up? I’ll start by setting my goal at 30 books for 2012.

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