Wednesday, November 16, 2011

What we have to look forward to this fall

Lost Memory of Skin
by Russell Banks
Release date: September 27
Banks's novel follows a character called "The Kid" who must rebuild his life after being released from prison, where he spent time for having sex with a minor. Starting over is harder than it seems, as he must wear a GPS tracking device to make sure he doesn't go anywhere near children. The book explores his tenuous friendship with a professor who studies recovering sex offenders.

The Visible Man
by Chuck Klosterman
Release date: October 4
Klosterman comes out with a new novel this fall, about a therapist and the mysterious patient she becomes obsessed with. While it is fiction, The Visible Man is concerned with many of the same themes Klosterman addresses in his celebrated essays: the influence of pop culture, the anxieties of modern life, and more.

The Marriage Plot
by Jeffrey Eugenides
Release date: October 11

The Pulitzer Prize-winning author of Middlesex and The Virgin Suicides releases his third novel, about a woman in college in the 1980s who doesn't understand why everyone has given up on romance. It's a love story, but it's also a meditation on reading and why we're drawn to certain stories.

Discover reading finds with the link below:

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