Monday, September 26, 2011

book suggestion: The Devil in a white city by Erik Larson

Not long after Jack the Ripper haunted the ill-lit streets of 1888 London, H.H. Holmes dispatched somewhere between 27 and 200 people, mostly single young women, in the churning new metropolis of Chicago; many of the murders occurred during the city's finest moment, the World's Fair of 1893. Larson's breathtaking new history is a novelistic yet wholly factual account of the fair and the mass murderer who lurked within it.

This is, in effect, the nonfiction Alienist, or a sort of companion, which might be called Homicide, to Emile Durkheim's Suicide. However, rather than anomie, Larson is most interested in industriousness and the new opportunities for mayhem afforded by the advent of widespread public anonymity.


Leenie said...

The Devil in a white City sounds interesting and like a nice change I'm really in the mood to read something different from what we have read in the past.

And if your worried about it being too gory not to worry I read some of the reviews and people said it's kept to a minimum.

shekina said...

i could pass on this one

Leenie said...

Voting on Devil in a white City on behalf of Jessica

Leenie said...

voting on behalf of Carla for Devil in a white City.